Scripps Research's Mass Spectrometry Core has approximately twenty mass spectrometers from various manufacturers. These instruments are running night and day to fill the institute's needs as well as the needs of external universities, non-profit organizations, and private companies. While there is a little overlap, their usage generally falls under the following categories: Proteomics, Routine Analysis, Research & Custom Mass Spec, and our Open Access Lab.
Advance Open Access Lab

Ultivo Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
Ultivo is a compact, stackable triple quadrupole LC/MS/MS that eliminates the MS footprint by incorporating the mass spectrometer into the HPLC stack. Contains innovations such as the miniature Vortex collision cell, Cyclone ion guide, and VacShield provide users with the sensitivity, robustness, reliability, and performance required for the day-in, day-out challenges of high-throughput sample analysis.

Agilent InfinityLab LC/MSD Single Quadrupole
The Agilent InfinityLab LC/MSD iQ system provides essential mass detection to quickly confirm compounds and provide excellent specificity and selectivity. It can quickly identify compounds with molecular weight information and add certainty, clarity, and confidence to UV results.

Agilent 5977B GC/MSD 8890 GC system
Agilent 5977B GC/MSD provides three electron ionization (EI) sources, a standard EI stainless steel (SS) source, an EI Extractor (XTR) source available on the Inert+ MSD model, and a high efficiency source (HES). The optional 5977B chemical ionization (CI) system includes a positive chemical ionization/negative chemical ionization (PCI/NCI) ion source, reagent gas flow control system, and CI calibration system. The design innovations increase performance for high analytical sensitivity and provides simpler workflows.
Open Access Lab

Agilent 6125
Single quadrupole mass spectrometer coupled to an Agilent 1260 LC stack, complete with DAD. Capable of scanning from m/z=10-2000 and acquiring up two 4 signals simultaneously, this instrument is well suited for small molecule analysis. Chemstation online and offline software allows for easy experiment setup and data analysis

Agilent 6135
Single quadrupole mass spectrometer that is coupled to an Agilent 1260 LC stack complete with DAD detector. This instrument scans from m/z=10-3000, making it suitable not only for small molecule analysis, but proteins as well. This also can acquire up to four signals simultaneously. Chemstation online and offline software allows for easy experiment setup and data analysis.

Agilent 6130
Single quadrupole mass spectrometer coupled to an Agilent 1260 LC stack with DAD detector. This instrument scans from m/z=10-3000 which also makes it qualified to look for proteins as well as small molecules, and as with the others, can acquire up to four signals simultaneously. Chemstation software allows for easy experiment setup and data review.

Agilent 6230 TOF LC/MS System
High accuracy ESI-TOF mass spectrometer routinely measuring small molecules (<3000Da) to within 5ppm mass accuracy for publication quality data. The high resolving power of this instrument also allows for detection of small modifications on proteins that lower resolution instruments can miss. Connected to an Agilent 1260 LC stack replete with DAD detector, this instrument usually scans up to m/z=3200, but can be configured to scan up m/z=20,000.

Bruker Autoflex maX
This MALDI-ToF instrument with a smartbeam laser is utilized for a variety of compound analyses using a wide array of MALDI matrices. With the options of reflection or linear mode in both positive and negative polarity, a large variety of compounds can be analyzed from 0 to 250,000 Da. This instrument is utilized for routine sample analysis as well as Open Access use.

Thermo Fisher Q Exactive Plus Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap
The Q Exactive Plus contains superior quantitation with advanced quadrupole technology (AQT), sophisticated data-independent acquisition (DIA), and an advanced active beam guide (AABG). Contains high-confidence results with resolution up to 140,000 FWHM and mass accuracy less than 5ppm. Improves protein identification when analyzing samples in complex matrices.

ThermoFinnigan LTQ XL
The Thermo Finnigan LTQ XL linear ion trap mass spectrometer delivers high sensitivity full scan MS along with in-depth MSn capabilities. The LTQ XL supplies outstanding sensitivity and abundant structural information for proteomics protein identification and PTM identification.
Routine Analysis

Agilent 6230 TOF LC/MS System
This ESI-ToF system features sub 1-ppm mass accuracy, greater than 20,000 mass resolution, and up to 5 orders of in-spectrum dynamic range. Utilized for unit mass and high accuracy small molecule analysis, this instrument can provide small molecule masses with <5ppm error. This instrument is also utilized to analyze intact proteins up to 200,000 Da.

Agilent 5973 Inert GC/MS
The gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) experiments are performed on the Agilent 5973 Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer. The sample is first resolved into its components in the GC using a DB5 column and the effluent detected by generating positive ions in the electron ionization source and performing quadrupole mass analysis on these ions. Typically, 1µl of a 1mg/ml solution is injected into the GC mass spectrometer. It has a scan speed of 10,000 amu/s.

Bruker Autoflex maX
This MALDI-ToF instrument with a smartbeam laser is utilized for a variety of compound analyses using a wide array of MALDI matrices. With the options of reflection or linear mode in both positive and negative polarity, a large variety of compounds can be analyzed from 0 to 250,000 Da. This instrument is utilized for routine sample analysis as well as Open Access use.
Research / Custom MS

Waters Xevo TQ-XS Triple Quadrupole
Features the Stepwave ion guide that admits more ions from the source for optimal sensitivity, improves the separation of them from neutral molecules and gases, concentrates and transmits the ions so more of them reach the detector and are available for analysis, and treats fragile ions more gently.

Waters Xevo TQ-S micro Triple Quadrupole
Delivers consistent low levels of quantitation with a wide dynamic range. A robust instrument with excellent linearity, dynamic range, and low to sub femtamole sensitivity.

Waters Synapt G2-Si ESI/MALDI-QTOF
The Waters MALDI/ESI QTOF, with high resolution ms and ms/ms as well as ion mobility separation, the Synapt is a powerful tool for both metabolomics and proteomics projects.

Bruker timsTOF Pro
timsTOF Pro LCMS system uses PASEF(Parallel Accumulation Serial Fragmentation) mass spectrometry to achieve extremely high speed and high sensitivity. TIMS(Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry) analyzer at front end is optimized for higher speed shotgun proteomics using low sample amount. Ion mobility is also a powerful technology for untargeted metabolomics and can deliver the 3-dimentional structure information of an ion as well as the separation of metabolites isomer, increasing in confidence of compound characterization.

Bruker Impact II QTOF LC/MS System
The new Impact II™ is the latest innovation in Bruker’s unique UHR-QqTOF (Ultra-High Resolution Qq-Time-Of-Flight) mass spectrometry product line with industry-leading > 50,000 Full-Sensitivity Resolution (FSR). It opens up enhanced analytical performance levels for all applications where trace analysis from complex, high-background matrices is a challenge — such as biomarker research, identification of impurities, or residue screening.

Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS with iFunnel Technology
The Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS with Jetstream source technology coupled with an ion funnel front end enables the lowest limits of detection and quantitation with performance specifications in Signal-to-Noise ratio (S/N) and Instrument Detection Limit (IDL). IDL is a rigorous, statistically based metric that indicates practical sensitivity performance of your quantitative assays. The Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS maintains sensitivity and resolution specifications with autotune.

Agilent 6520
ESI-QTOF MS is an instrument that benefits from the combination of 2 mass analyzers, quadrupole and time of flight. It’s a widely accepted technique in many different fields such as biomedical research, drug discovery, forensic toxicology, food safety and environmental screening. The instrument uses the analytical techniques that can give you not only high mass accuracy but also additional compound structural information from MS and MSMS data. It’s the instrument of choice to obtain a lot of information from only little amounts of analyte.

Agilent 6546 LC/Q-ToF
The Quadrupole Time of Flight LC/MS 6546 LC/Q-TOF has high resolution mass spectrometer With simultaneous high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, high resolution, isotope fidelity, and accurate mass measurements, the resulting high data quality provides the level of confidence you need for fast and simplified data review processes.

AB Sciex 5800 TOF/TOF
This MALDI ToF/ToF instrument provides reflection and linear mode with the capability to analyze a variety of compounds from 0-250,000 Da. ToF/ToF and imaging capabilities offer additional utility. Formerly used for routine analyses, this instrument is now primarily used for research as needed.