Below are miscellaneous resources related to Metabolomics and Mass Spectrometry including books, videos, presentation slides, and other useful tidbits.
Short Courses
XCMS Basics with a Touch of the Complex: Annotation and SysBio
Dec 4, 2018
- Setting up your XCMS experiments
- Metabolite annotation for Systems Biology
- XCMS Systems Biology
Advanced Mass Spectrometry and Metabolomics Short Course
Oct 17, 2018
- Sample Preparation
- Using Open Access
- Untargeted LC/MS Metabolomics
- Computational Metabolite Annotation
- Targeted Metabolomics and Quantitation
- Metabolite Identification with Fragemtation
- Identifying Metabolites using MS and Stable Isotopes

Our YouTube channel has many XCMS tutorials.
Mass Spectrometry for Biotechnology
By Gary Siuzdak, Academic Press: San Diego, CA., 1996

Only recently has it been possible to use mass spectrometry for proteins and other large biomolecules most interesting to cell and molecular biologists, biochemists, and biotechnologists. Most bioresearchers do not have sufficient training in mass spectrometry to maximize its usefulness to their research. This book attempts to bring these researchers up to speed.
Mass Spectrometry for Biotechonology introduces the fundamental concepts of mass spectrometry and explains how mass spectrometers work. It also presents recent advances of particular interest to bioresearhers in an easy-to-understand manner that does not require extensive background in chemistry, math, or physics.
- Glossary of basic terms
- Abundant Illustrations
- Examples of applications
- Practical tips on using mass spectrometric techniques
- Useful for peptide, protein, oligonucleotide, and carbohydrate analysis
- Simplified description of mass spectrometry including
- Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI)
- Electrospray Ionization (ESI)
- Fast Atom/Ion Bombardment (FAB)
The Expanding Role of Mass Spectrometry in Biotechonlogy
By Gary Siuzdak, MCC Press: San Diego, 2003

Mass Spectrometry has become one of the most important tools in the biochemical sciences with capabilities ranging from small molecule analysis to protein characterization. Because of this versatility, mass spectrometry is the technology many scientists are turning to.
The Expanding Role of Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology covers the basic concepts in mass spectrometry as well as advanced topics including protein identification/protein structural analysis, carbohydrate and oligonucleotide analysis.
Topics also include pharmacokinetics, high throughput screening, and the recent development of mass spectrometry in clinical diagnosis. Available at
- Abundant Color Illustrations
- Mass Spectrometry Basics
- Protein Identification/Characterization
- Carbohydrate/Oligonucleotide/Steroid Analysis
- Pharmacokinetics/High Throughput Applications
The Expanding Role of Mass Spectrometry in Biotechonlogy - 2nd Edition
By Gary Siuzdak, MCC Press: San Diego, 2006

Mass Spectrometry has become one of the most important tools in the biochemical sciences with capabilities ranging from small molecule analysis to protein characterization. Because of this versatility, mass spectrometry is the technology many scientists are turning to.
The Expanding Role of Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology covers the basic concepts in mass spectrometry as well as advanced topics including protein identification/protein structural analysis, carbohydrate and oligonucleotide analysis. Topics also include pharmacokinetics, high throughput screening, and the recent development of mass spectrometry in clinical diagnosis. Download (PDF)
- Abundant Illustrations
- Mass Spectrometry Basics
- Protein Identification/Characterization
- Carbohydrate/Oligonucleotide/Steroid Analysis
- Pharmacokinetics/High Throughput Applications
Activity Metabolomics and Mass Spectrometry
By Gary Siuzdak, MCC Press: San Diego, 2024

Mass spectrometry has a special intrigue that comes from its interdisciplinary nature, as it freely crosses the borders of physics, chemistry, and biology. Its history goes back to the early 1900’s, and its development has reached a pinnacle in recent years.
Metabolomics and the study of metabolism has also had an equally interesting trajectory encompassing many different technologies; however it is safe to say that mass spectrometry has been a key technology in its evolution. Especially in the realm of Activity Metabolomics and the discovery of biologically active metabolites. Download (PDF)
- Abundant Illustrations
- Mass Spectrometry Basics
- Protein Identification/Characterization
- Carbohydrate/Oligonucleotide/Steroid Analysis
- Pharmacokinetics/High Throughput Applications
- Metabolite Discovery
- Activity Metabolomics